Term & Conditions

Term And Conditions

Acceptance of Self Injection (please initial that you understand and agree to the following)

  • 1 Receipt of Instructions: I have been provided complete instructions regarding the self-injection procedure associated with my nutritional injections. I have also received relevant materials that include step-by-step guidance on how to administer the injection safely.
  • 2 Understanding of Instructions: I have read and understood the instructions provided to me. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about any part of the self-injection process, and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
  • 3 Comfort and Confidence in Self-Injecting: I feel comfortable and confident in my ability to self-administer the injection according to the instructions provided. I understand the correct dosage, the method of administration, the storage requirements of the nutritional injection, and the proper disposal of used injection supplies.
  • 4 Voluntary Participation: I agree to self-inject the prescribed nutritional injection voluntarily. I understand the benefits and risks associated with the nutritional injection and the self-injection process.
  • 5Emergency Procedures: I am aware of the signs and symptoms that would necessitate seeking immediate medical attention and have been informed about what to do in the event of an adverse reaction or emergency.

By accepting the agreement, I consent to self-administer my injection as instructed. I affirm that I am doing so with a full understanding of the procedure and associated risks.

Subscription Terms

  • 1 Subscription Service: By accepting this agreement, you are subscribing to B-12Direct.com injectable nutritional maintenance plan which will be provided continuously on a monthly basis until you choose to cancel your subscription.
  • 2 Recurring Billing: Your subscription will automatically renew each month. You agree to be billed in advance on a recurring basis, which will be charged to the payment method you have provided. Your payment will be charged to your account on the same date each month (the “Billing Date”).
  • 3 Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your subscription at any time. To avoid being charged for the next month’s service, you must cancel at least 5 business days before your next scheduled shipment date. Cancellations must be submitted in writing via email or mail.
  • 4 Changes to Subscription: If you wish to change or modify your subscription plan, please contact our support team at least 5 business days before your next billing date.
  • 5 No Refunds: Payments are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods, except as expressly provided in this agreement. By accepting these terms, you acknowledge that your subscription will continue